Babies (and toddlers) vs. Puppies/Dogs:
Both are utterly adorable
Both require socializing and play and each have parks dedicated to this specific purpose
Both get cranky/mean/destructive when bored
Mental stimulation is a necessity for either
Both need to be taught their name
Tone of voice used...
Both are often running off or getting into things they should not
Potty-training (I have actually had to clean up more baby poo spots from our carpet than dog poo, due to diaper blowouts!)
Treats: I have, in fact, thrown cereal puffs onto the floor to the baby in a hurry to try and derail an undesirable activity
When outside (for mobile babies), both will find the spot with the most dirt or mud or water (or any combo of those) and play only in that spot until they are sufficiently covered and wet
For a while, they both understand about the same number of words, a lot of them even the same words: come here, ball, food, play, outside...
Dogs toys and baby toys: almost indistinguishable from one another
Constantly underfoot
You can buy a "snack ball" for either a dog or a toddler, and they are pretty much the same product
The games played with a toddler are surprisingly similar or the same as the ones enjoyed with your dog: ball, chase/tag, hide and seek, etc.
When in your bed, they both experience a 300% increase in size (400% if asleep)
Addressing the dog or the baby?:
"What do you have in your mouth?"
"Can I have the toy?"
"Go get it!"
"Where's mommy/daddy?"
"Want to go outside and play?"
"Do you have to potty?"
"Oh my God, what is all over your face?!"
"Please don't roll in that, that's poop..."
Now of course, there are many obvious differences, and they are not really the same...except that they kind of are. So practice away, you dog-owning-not-yet-baby-havers!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad